Thursday, July 9, 2009

Exam Days..but hapi n ENjoy

TOday woke up veli early....
bcoZ 8am my exam was start...
luckyly i slp early last nite...if not i will not energy to face my exam

reach scol early before exam 20min
den i took my breadfast 1st...

share ur my classmate produck ^^


i veli hapi la...^^
coz my product taste i get the highest mark....haha
Chef said my texture veli nice...Yeah..

we finish Exam at 12pm...
DUring the Breake time we go play bowling lo...^^


all look lke veli busy
keep hold their hp to sms or talking v fren
or playng game...
n did stupid thing ter la...get scold from the managment somemore...haha


every1 veli hungry la
order French Fried to eat...but when i took the photo
the french fried was finish la...haha

we finish it 2pm den straight went bek college d...
bcoz 3pm hav a 2nd round exam...

we talk n drink at college cafeteria...

after tat go straigh exam again...
the 2nd round exam are cooking Malay Snack Product...
all not confidence enuf...haiz...

veli hapi when exam finish...haha...
but we nid clean all the kitchen somemore...
we quickly clean den go d.....

my fren bring durian for me
the durian keep in his car from morning untill 7pm
his car was veli smelly...haha
we nothing to do ....we open durian n ate at car park..



my pro chef open durian...haha


wah...sedap la...


den i bring the left 1 go home lo...^^

Damn tired la
i slp in car from scol to my house...haha

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